Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Safe & Sound

As many of you know and or experienced ....we were hit with an outbreak of tornadoes here in Oklahoma last night. One of which hit about five miles away from us and luckily to the east of us....they usually travel in a west to east direction which put us in the all clear..... However not everyone was as lucky as we were and my prayers go out to you. The tornado actually traveled along the route that we take from our house to Brad's mom's house in Shawnee Oklahoma down highway 9. The areas in Norman that were hit were near HWY9 & Classen... I actually lived in apartments near there about 6yrs ago (I don't believe they were damaged other then down trees and such.) I had many friends without power for sometime but all got it back by the end of the night. 

The weird eerie thing about tornadoes...I think...is how the sun comes out so quickly after it has past or how you can be so close and experience near to nothing....we experienced high winds (which has been going on all month) and just a little bit of rain and a few rumbles of thunder....no hail or crazy flooding downpour.  Well here are some pictures I managed to steal from the interwebs including some of my very own facebook friends b/c I have yet to venture out of my house.

Hail that fell in Moore, OK
just North of us
I can't say for sure but these look like Hampton Woods 
Apartments which was next to my old complex.
Neighborhood on the east side of Norman 
thanks Jon for this pic & the next 

Country Boy grocery store on HWY9 east of Norman
thanks Jenny for this picture!!

I was hoping to find pictures of the Thunderbird Boat Marina b/c it was a mess!!! But no such luck! 



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